Wednesday 20 November 2013


The holydays took another rythm since we are back in Pokhara, relaxing, restaurants, motorcycling... A slacker's life. 
We spend a lot of time with two french guys, jeremy n Chris, who come with us in chitwan. We get a nice big cheap hotel, next to the jungle known for its tigers, elephants, bears n rhinos !!
The town is so quiet, not so many tourist, elephants walking down the street n lovely people again. 
We all go for a walk during 2 days in the jungle with two guides. Once u cross the river, anything can appear in the front of u, if we r lucky it will be a tiger, if we are really lucky it wont eat us !
So we start through the forest n bush, nearly crawling under trees n leaves cause there is not always a path. Wild pig, chickens, dears,... N then ... Something moves !! Two young black bears !! They saw us n run away, i was starring at them n it was too late for a picture. There is two kinds of bear here n those ones were the hardest too see , yeah !
A few crocodiles that we saw really close to us, we cross a river to join a village, a bunch of nepalese are help a hurt elephant, they made a fire for the night n buildt a tente around him. For 55000$ the elephant u better look after him ;)
Good guest house, lots of fun !
In the morning we meet 2 nice rhinos, in the middle of the way.. We come as close as we are game, it is so impressive !
Hitting the floor a few times in enough to make them move away, no tiger this time, maybe its better :)
Back in chitwan we spend a day on a motor bike n go in kathmanduuuuuu

Les vacances ont pris un tout autre rythme depuis le retour a pokhara, terraces, restau, tour en moto,... La belle vie de pachas !
On prends un bus vers chitwan, connu pour sa reserve naturelle, avec chris et jeremy. Hotel spacieux avec grand jardin, hamack et un calme surprenant. Le village est tres rustique malgres le tourisme, des elephants un peu partout et la jungle qui commence en traversant la riviere. 
On organise un trek de 2 jours avec guides pour decouvrir la faune. Ca commence avec des biches, sangliers, singes, et deux ours noir qui s'enfuient en quelques secondes. Dans l'apres midi quelques crocodiles qu'ont voit de tres pres et en arrivant au village, un elephant blessé entouré d'une poignee de nepalais qui font tout pour l'aider. Ils ont meme installé une tente et on fait un feu. 
Le deuxieme jour nous voyons nos premier rhinocerose sur le chemin, ce qui nous force a attendre pour passer, l'un d'eux nous guetes et se rapproche doucement. Les guides tapent sur les feuilles et le sol pour les faires partir en quelques seconds. Impressionnant !!
Repos et moto pour le dernier jour avant kathmandu, jadore !!

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