Apres quelques documentaires de voyages dans l'avion, nous atterissons a Auckland. Je commence a rire quand une femme me dit " he petit homme, saute dans cette file d'attente ", son accent est horrible et elle utilise des mots que j'entends pour la premiere fois, puis c'est un mec de la securité qui m'a dit une phrase insencé, c'est quoi ce pays ?
Blagues misent a part, le bus ne va pas la ou je veux, j'appelle l'hotel qui envoi une voiture me chercher gratuitement. Dans le backpack, censer etre a coté de l'aeroport, je rencontre quelques voyageurs mais vais vite me coucher. Au matin, je discute avec un allemand et une bresilienne, essai de trouver le bon arret de bus suivant les indication de ces gens a l'accent impossible !
Une fois dans le bus, je rencontre mon premier maoris, le chauffeur, qui s'exclame quand je lui tend un billet de 50$ " Ooooooh mec, tu prends toute ma monnaie !' je rigole.. il ne rigolait pas.
Une fois au centre ville, je cherche une carte sim, donne des nouvelles a mes amis et rencontre Helen, une couchsurfeuse qui va m'heberger les deux prochains jours. On visite la gallerie d'art et rencontrons Vanessa et Michael, italienne et allemand, qui passent la nuit chez Helen egalement. De la nourriture, des discutions, des courses et un bus pour arriver le soir chez Helen.
On fait des pizzas, buvons du vin et racontons nos histoires de voyageurs, excellente soiree.
Le lendemain, je demande a Michael : Quel sont tes plans ici ?
- je cherche quelqu'un qui a une voiture pour faire le tour du pays
-arrgh, cest aussi mon idee mais j'ai besoin d'un boulot pour le moment ..
Je recois un appel le matin meme a propos d'une annonce a laquelle j'ai repondus, je serai chef de cuisine d'ici 3semaines ! Ce qui veut dire que je vais voyager avec Michael. nous cherchons un van ou une voiture a louer mais c'est bien trop chef, autant acheter une voiture ... une heure plus tard, j'avais ma Subaru legacy, surnommé La Poubelle.
Pour celebré cam on s'offre des sushis et allons boir un verre dans un bar ou des voyagers se rassemblent, rencontrent tres interressante mais nous partons asser tot pour s'affaler dans le canapés et regarder un film.
48h auparavant je ne savais meme pas ou je voulais aller, ni quoi faire. Et me voila un verre de vin a la main avec de nouveaux amis, une voiture et un futur boulot. L'aventure est en route, demain, elle sera Sur la route.
After a few travel documentaries, we land in Auckland... I start to laugh when they checked the passport and the woman said " Hey little fella, just pop up in this line ", then i wasnt able to understand what the security told me cause they don't just have a strong accent, they use their words as well !
Enough of laughing, the bus doesn't go anymore where I want, I ring the hotel and get picked up for free, he is from India, so much laughing in the car again!
In the backpacker i book next to the airport ( kinda ), i meet few travelers but quickly go to sleep. In the morning I chat with a german and a Brasilian, try to find the bus stop with those accented people explaining me the way ^^
Then in the bus it's a Maoris, i pay with a 50$ note and hear " Ooooooh man, you pull out all my change ", i laughed.. he wasn't :p
Once is the CBD i get a sim card to give some news to my friends and meet Helen, a couchsurfer who gonna host me for 2 days. We go to the art gallery, we meet Vanessa and Micheal, italian and german, who are staying with Helen as well ! So food, some chat, some shopping and a bus back to her place.
We make some pizzas, drink some wine, telling our travel stories, we have a really good time :)
In the morning I ask Michael what are his plans, he said " I'm looking for somebody with a car to travel around " , grrr, taht's what I wanna do but i need a job first. I actually get a positive answer for a job starting the 1st of May, which would give me some free time ^^ So we look to rent a van, 1000$/2weeks, i dunno why but I said " for that price we can buy a car", and an hour later i had one ...
I just rang the guy, met him, went to a garage to have the car checked, and I had it :)
A nice, old shitty, bumpy Subaru Legacy ! We all have some sushi and kebab before Vanessa left for a 3 weeks tour. With Helen and Michael, we move to a bar where a bunch of couchsurfers are meeting, free drink, free appetizers, nice people ( and creepy one ). I met a french girl who lived in canade, reunion, australia, for few years, or this guys who hosted 150persons in a few months, telling about good and bad adventures :) and some guys seeing the meeting as a speed dating, but funny to watch.
We leave early, get some wine and munchies, get Pharrell ( The car ), and lying on the couch to watch a movie :)
48h ago i arrived in this city where I had no idea of what could happen, and here i am with my friends, a glass of wine, a car in the backyard and a futur job ( i hope ). Let's hope that it keeps beeing so exciting !
Enough of laughing, the bus doesn't go anymore where I want, I ring the hotel and get picked up for free, he is from India, so much laughing in the car again!
In the backpacker i book next to the airport ( kinda ), i meet few travelers but quickly go to sleep. In the morning I chat with a german and a Brasilian, try to find the bus stop with those accented people explaining me the way ^^
Then in the bus it's a Maoris, i pay with a 50$ note and hear " Ooooooh man, you pull out all my change ", i laughed.. he wasn't :p
Once is the CBD i get a sim card to give some news to my friends and meet Helen, a couchsurfer who gonna host me for 2 days. We go to the art gallery, we meet Vanessa and Micheal, italian and german, who are staying with Helen as well ! So food, some chat, some shopping and a bus back to her place.
We make some pizzas, drink some wine, telling our travel stories, we have a really good time :)
In the morning I ask Michael what are his plans, he said " I'm looking for somebody with a car to travel around " , grrr, taht's what I wanna do but i need a job first. I actually get a positive answer for a job starting the 1st of May, which would give me some free time ^^ So we look to rent a van, 1000$/2weeks, i dunno why but I said " for that price we can buy a car", and an hour later i had one ...
I just rang the guy, met him, went to a garage to have the car checked, and I had it :)
A nice, old shitty, bumpy Subaru Legacy ! We all have some sushi and kebab before Vanessa left for a 3 weeks tour. With Helen and Michael, we move to a bar where a bunch of couchsurfers are meeting, free drink, free appetizers, nice people ( and creepy one ). I met a french girl who lived in canade, reunion, australia, for few years, or this guys who hosted 150persons in a few months, telling about good and bad adventures :) and some guys seeing the meeting as a speed dating, but funny to watch.
We leave early, get some wine and munchies, get Pharrell ( The car ), and lying on the couch to watch a movie :)
48h ago i arrived in this city where I had no idea of what could happen, and here i am with my friends, a glass of wine, a car in the backyard and a futur job ( i hope ). Let's hope that it keeps beeing so exciting !
Vannessa, michael, helen
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